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Former Agora publisher Nick O’Connor and best-selling author of The Art of the Click Glenn Fisher invite you to learn…

Four Proven Copywriting Strategies For When Your Income Hits $100k

See how you can smash your day-rate, sign better clients, go beyond freelancing, and even find a business partner…

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Join The Fix today to watch this video masterclass for free. Plus you’ll receive regular insight and advice from two former Agora Copy Chiefs, Nick O’Connor & Glenn Fisher…

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These are strange times to be a copywriter…

You’re bombarded with more messages from copywriting ‘experts’ than ever before.

It feels like half the world quit their day job and became a copywriter in 2020.

Now they’re all experts – and lo and behold! – they have all the answers to your problems.

  • They know how to ‘craft hooks on Linkedin in seven seconds or less’.
  • They know ‘why AI is the answer to all your prayers & simultaneously your worst nightmare’ (and my God they like to talk about it).
  • And they know how you can ‘generate $10k/mo in copywriting revenue without ever lifting a finger or opening a Word doc.

I don’t know about you… but I’m sick and tired of it all.

Not just the bullshit, ‘fake it until you make it’ attitude.

I mean the fact that it’s harder than ever to find and connect with other real copywriters.

If you’re looking for help and guidance about where you go next…

That sucks.

And not just because knowing other writers is cool.

But because if you want to take that next step – whether that’s to increase your income, get more creative freedom by starting your own business or move into a new market – you might need some real advice.

You know this, of course.

Life as a copywriter is isolating enough as it is. Finding people to connect with and run ideas past is hard. And getting real, sensible advice about where you go next is really difficult.

That’s why we’d like to invite you to watch a free copywriting masterclass called Four Proven Copywriting Strategies For When Your Income Hits $100k.

This masterclass is for established copywriters who’re wondering what to do next.

And you can access it for free right now, just by joining The Fix

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Join The Fix today to watch this video masterclass for free. Plus you’ll receive regular insight and advice from two former Agora Copy Chiefs, Nick O’Connor & Glenn Fisher…

Enter your details below to unlock access to this video masterclass:

WAIT! Who exactly are Glenn and Nick, and what is The Fix?

Glenn and Nick are two former copy chiefs with DECADES of experience in hiring (and firing!) in-house and freelance copywriters at the very highest level.

They know exactly what it takes for you to land better gigs… knock the socks off your clients… and earn a greater income from your projects.

How do they know?

Because for years, they’ve been the decision-makers on ‘the inside’… they’ve been the ones signing the contracts and settling the invoices. They still are. Both still write copy for the biggest businesses going.

But now they’re revealing what really happens behind the scenes.

Glenn Fisher

A former Agora copy chief, Glenn is responsible for selling over £50 million of products with the legendary publishing company. Since becoming freelance in 2018, Glenn has also worked with some of the biggest consumer brands in the world. He also penned the bestselling copywriting book, The Art Of the Click.

Nick O’Connor

Nick has spent well over a decade writing for various divisions in the Agora publishing world, and he spent several years as both the Head of Copy, and Publisher, of the UK’s Agora financial imprint. He’s now a freelancer himself, and one of the most in-demand sales promotion writers in the world.

Together they created

The Fix is a project created ‘by copywriters, for copywriters’. Nick and Glenn – and a whole bunch of industry experts – are committed to helping you maximise your earning power, enjoy a more fulfilling copywriting career, and connect with like-minded people who understand the real value of good copy.

To welcome you to The Fix, Nick and Glenn have recorded an exclusive masterclass, in which you’ll discover how to:

  • SMASH YOUR DAY-RATE: How earning royalties on your work could double your income overnight. (Plus: how to negotiate better royalties and how to figure out who definitely won’t pay great royalties).
  • SIGN BETTER CLIENTS: There’s a huge mistake copywriters make once they’re established and stable – but avoiding it is the key to taking your earnings to the next level. We show you what it is.
  • GO BEYOND FREELANCING: The golden rule if you’re a ‘copy entrepreneur’ looking to branch out and start your own business this year.
  • FIND A BUSINESS PARTNER: There’s a simple way to turn copywriting expertise into lucrative business partnerships and even company ownership… but there’s one thing you need to know before you try.
  • And much, much more…

All you need to do is pop your name and email address in below and you’ll get immediate access to this exclusive video masterclass and start receiving regular insight and advice from Nick and Glenn. Go for it, and get involved…

Get immediate access

Join The Fix today to watch this video masterclass for free. Plus you’ll receive regular insight and advice from two former Agora Copy Chiefs, Nick O’Connor & Glenn Fisher…

Enter your details below to unlock access to this video masterclass:

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