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Friends of The Fix and followers of our weird and wonderful speakers pay just:

£225 (+VAT)

For more information, or for bulk order discount, get in touch at

The short version:

The most ambitious copywriting event of the year returns and threatens to be even crazier than last year. Join the best in the business to celebrate copywriting, and creativity and to finally find out what AI really means for the copywriting industry and for your career.

Speakers this year include:

  • – A living legend in the direct response copywriting world
  • – Once painted an entire house in less than ten minutes
  • – Uses AI to shower in the morning and feels cleaner for it
  • – One of the most respected copy craftsmen working today
  • – Was once accused of being too nice by Mother Teresa
  • – Uses AI to remind himself how to spell his own surname
  • – Founder of AI for Non-Techies and Beesting Digital
  • – Been fighting court case against Murray Mints for decades
  • – Uses AI to train foxes to write website copy
  • – Comedy copywriting legend also known as The Word Man
  • – Has a collection of tote bags he claims cannot be matched
  • – Uses AI to write all his jokes
  • – One of the most sought-after financial writers in the world
  • – Can whistle at an inaudible level while still speaking
  • – Uses AI to choose all his clothing
  • – Best-selling author and reluctant copywriting superstar
  • – Once got banned from a party he organised
  • – Uses AI to care for injured geese & return them to the wild


Robot Dancing… Algorithmic Poetry… Electronic Cocktails… Pablo the Digital Dog… Big Data Giveaways… Tech Guru Tennis… Freelancer Speed Dating… More Robot Dancing… Clerkenwell Pub Crawl… and a whole lot of other madness besides…

All for just:

£225 (+VAT)

The long version:

Right. This is it. Your chance to grab your ticket for Fix Fest 2: AI OR DIE.

So what’s the vibe this year?

Well, if you came along last year, you’ll know what Fix Fest is all about.

We’ve heard it described as “the best copywriting event in Europe” and “literally just a bunch of weirdos talking about words all day”.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.




This year, we’re tackling the Big One. The thing we’re all supposedly losing sleep over. The thing that’s coming for our jobs. The thing that’s going to make copywriting as a profession extinct, or so the legend goes.

Artificial Intelligence.

Or “The AI”, as your mum might call it, if she has a tenuous grasp on both grammar and technology.

In all seriousness though – AI’s a big deal. It’s going to change things. It’s already changing things.

How so?

Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about on 3rd July.

We’re bringing together some of the best copywriters in the world (plus a few special guests from the world of technology) to answer exactly that question.

You’ll hear about how world class copywriters are actually using AI to write, research and edit…

You’ll see how other writers are adapting their writing processes and responding to it…

And you’ll see how businesses are deploying it – and how you can make sure you still fit in with their plans.

In other words: you’ll see what’s actually happening.

Not some BS vision of a far off future where AI has taken over everything and you’ve found yourself married to a vending machine in Stoke – the reality on the ground for real writers today.

But enough about that. By now, you know in your gut you need to be taking AI seriously, one way or another.

We haven’t answered the question we rhetorically asked at the beginning – what’s the vibe this year?

Well, picture it like this…

You arrive in London and make your way to Clerkenwell. The sun is shining. It’s quiet. You make your way to St James’ church, looking out for fellow copywriters.

You arrive. People are milling around in the sunshine, looking at the pub opposite and thinking about having a beer later.

Out of nowhere, John Forde pulls up on a motorbike. He spends maybe 40 seconds doing what’s called a “sick donut” outside, before throwing his helmet at Glenn and heading inside.

You turn just in time to spot Dave Harland, riding a flying unicorn, wearing his favourite Spice Girls t-shirt. Behind him are five Linkedin scammers on winged horses, trying desperately to seek their revenge.

But look. Here’s Eddie Shleyner. For reasons that will only become clear much, much later – he’s wearing a kilt and singing Auld Lang Syne. The grin on his face makes the writer next to you faint…

…it’s ok though, because Heather Murray abseils down from the roof of the Church, catches said writer mid swoon, and then offers to buy everyone a “Bitcoin latte”, whatever that is.

We could go on.

But you get the picture.

Sort of. That’s the vibe. Weird and wonderful. Strange and unique and odd and peculiar. Cryptocurrency and coffee.

That kind of thing.

Just come. You’ll love it.

A taste of last year’s event:


Friends of The Fix and followers of our weird and wonderful speakers pay just:

£225 (+VAT)

For more information, or for bulk order discount, get in touch at

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