After decades working with Agora—and the biggest names in the industry—two of the most highly-sought-after six-figure copywriters share their simple secret to negotiating higher fees:
“A godsend to me not once, but twice in negotiating a salary for myself at a reputable marketing agency, and for a freelancing service which I’m happy to say has put me on retainer.”
– Nick Marley, Marketer & Copywriter
“The most useful thing I’ve done in my copywriting career, ever… you can choose to work with only respectful, well-paying clients.”
– Erica Conradie, Copywriter
What if there was a way you could write the same amount of copy you do now…
Work the same number of hours…
And even write the exact same words as you do now…
…but get paid TWICE as much?
Nothing. Else. Changes.
You don’t need to spend ages finding new clients… you don’t have to create courses to supplement your income… you don’t have to attend any conferences… you don’t need to buy a load of marketing books… and you don’t have to spend every waking hour posting on social media to “get noticed.”
You do the same amount of work you do now… you do it for the same people… and you write the exact same copy…
But you get paid DOUBLE what you get paid now.
It might sound fanciful… impossible even…
It’s not.
We’re going to show you how to make it happen. Today.
The catch?
Don’t get us wrong, they won’t take you ages… they’re not difficult things to do (not with our help)… and anyone can do them, no matter what “level” or “type” of copywriter you are…
But to be realistic here…
You WILL need to spare about 2 hours following our guidance on this. (It’s not just a case of asking for more money!)
But after you’ve done it once—that’s it. You’ll be able to ramp up your earnings every time, without our help.
But I must stress…
You do need to follow what we say to the letter.
If you’re not willing to do that, this isn’t for you.
If you are willing to spare two hours this week or next and you’re willing to follow four very specific steps in the very specific order we set them out…
You could double the amount of money you make from your copywriting…
…without really doing anything.
In fact, we’re kind of downplaying it a little…
The truth is you could triple or even quadruple the money you make. The upside here is, technically, unlimited.
You can take it as far as you want to go…
But look, in the first instance, we’ll show you how to DOUBLE what you get paid and then you can ramp things up from there.
If we can take you from, say, $1000 to $2,000 for a blog writing gig… or $5,000 to $10,000 for a website rewrite… or even $10,000 to $20,000 for a long copy sales letter…
Our part of the deal will be done.
How far you take things after that… well, like we say, that’s up to you. (But remember us when you’re sipping cocktails by the pool, okay?)
Of course, there’s more to this than just asking for the extra cash…
The key to making this happen are the four very specific things we’ll ask you to do in a very specific order…
And we’ll outline what they are in a second.
Before we do, we should address the elephant in the room…
You see, we think you already know you could be making more money from your copywriting than you do now.
But we can guarantee nothing will happen if you don’t do take positive action to make it happen.
No one will just start paying you more to make themselves feel better.
No one is going to double your income on a whim.
You must act.
The good news is, we can show you exactly what action you need to take and in what order so that you can negotiate fees that reward you fairly and properly for the work you’re doing.
Today, we’re going to help finally make it happen and help you take action to start making the kind of money you feel you should be making from copywriting.
Well, it all comes down to the four things we want you to do.
Follow our advice—to the letter—and you when your client asks you how much something will cost and you tell them DOUBLE what you normally charge, they’ll reply:
“That’s fine.”
They’ll say it without blinking.
“Invoice us,” they’ll say, “and accounts will sort it.”
All you did differently was follow the four steps we’re going to guide you through and now you’re getting paid twice as much.
In fact, like we said before, depending on where you’re at, you could double…
Or even quadruple how much you get paid.
And you could do it today.
One freelance copywriter we’ve helped has already increased their ENTIRE income by a third:
Another said our unique approach has:
And one copywriter said our four-step approach is:
Of course, we don’t know your specific circumstances right now, but after speaking to thousands of copywriters in the US, in the UK, in Australia and all around the world…
And we’re only talking about basic fees here—we haven’t even got to negotiating bonuses, royalties, or even equity.
That will come.
But right now, the most immediate thing we can help you with TODAY is doubling your income.
To do that, you just need to follow the four very specific steps we’ll set out for you in a very specific order.
And by the way, please don’t think you’ll be annoying your clients by doing this…
They’ll end up thanking you—they’ll WANT to pay you more.
Well, let me introduce myself first and then I’ll tell you about Nick.
My name is Glenn Fisher.
I’m a copywriter, like you.
I’m also the founder of two internationally successful copywriting businesses… I’m the author of The Art of the Click, a guide to writing copy that was so successful it’s even been translated into Chinese and Korean…
And I founded one of the most trusted (and by far the coolest) community of copywriters in the world, along with my friend and business partner, Nick O’Connor.
Nick used to run an Agora business too, like me, and now he’s one of the most sought-after direct-response copywriters in the world.
Our copywriting group is called The Fix.
Here’s a picture of our annual festival, held in a crypt under a church in London, England last summer…
As you can see, things do get kind of weird.
But still, hundreds of copywriters — thousands even — turn to me and Nick for help and advice on how to earn more, land more clients, and stop worrying their copywriting careers are going to flounder before they’ve begun.
Like Daryl Bennett, who says our advice has:
Or Alex Djain, who says what we do is:
And Nicola Joyce, who says:
After organising the best copywriting festival in the UK, we decided to step it up a gear.
This year we’re holding a mastermind event for copywriters and publishers in France, at Agora founder, Bill Bonner’s 16th century Château.
Here it is:
It has a moat and everything.
I tell you this to show we’ve been in this business for a while, and we know how to make money from copywriting. We get paid thousands by our clients, and tickets to the Chateau event alone cost $10,000, which we sold out in a couple of weeks.
Here’s the thing, though…
Despite the fact we’ve helped countless up-and-coming writers worldwide, we’ve never shared our own private approach for negotiating with clients… until today.
But why now?
I get it.
When I first went freelance, I was scared.
I’d been running one of Agora’s businesses for a decade… I’d written copy that had made millions… and I’d even written a best-selling book on how to do it…
I should have been charging thousands for my time.
But when it comes to negotiating as a freelancer, or as a junior copywriter, especially when you’re just starting out, as you know, it’s a different ballgame.
It all ends up with you being panicked and paranoid and charging too little.
When I started out freelance—despite my experience—I was charging peanuts to write blogs and social media posts and white papers and all that sort of stuff…
You name it, I wrote it.
And I might as well have done it for free.
I charged way too little for the time it was taking me.
Worse, I resented every moment I spent writing the stuff, knowing it wouldn’t be as good as it could be because I had to rush it to take on more work to pay the bills.
It’s an insidious circle.
You’ve been there, right?
I know people are still charging peanuts for their work—I hear about it from countless copywriters on an almost daily basis.
And I get it.
You need to pay the bills, so you take on the job, even though you know it will take you longer than you said, the fee won’t cover your time, and it’ll take away from time you could spend getting more gigs.
But you need to pay the bills, so it feels like you haven’t got a choice.
Realistically, I’ve figured out in my experience that you can only write 1,500 good words a day. And if you’re only charging $50 or $100 per piece… you’re screwed.
It’s no wonder the average day rate for a copywriter is around $500.
It’s not enough. No way near.
And that’s the average!
I hate to think about copywriters out there working hard to transform their clients’ businesses who are charging LESS than $500 a day.
It’s insane.
We’ll get into why it’s like this, but right now the important thing is that we flip the script.
And I mean to help you do so LITERALLY.
As part of this process, we’ll even give you a script you can follow when negotiating with clients, and you’ll soon be able to charge way more than you are right now.
Whether that’s doubling…
Or even quadrupling your income…
How far you take this is up to you.
Nick and I will just give you the tools and then you can run with it and discover just how much more you could be charging for your time and energy.
To make sure you have the best chance of making this work, it would be wrong to just tell you what you need to do and then leave you to it.
It’s why we’ve created an interactive five-part video series, in which we’ll walk you through this whole negotiating process together.
It means you can not only steal the script we’ve used to negotiate with huge clients—including Agora and CEOs of FTSE-100 companies—but you can copy the whole process.
That’s the scope here.
But the bottom line is:
You can finally start getting paid what you deserve.
You can finally start working in a way that feels rewarding… not just financially… but creatively too.
You can finally enjoy the feeling you get from doing great work for good money with clients who respect you.
And you can finally start treating yourself more often too (I’ve developed a bit of a habit for expensive clothes from a specific shop in Paris ever since I was able to increase my own income).
But how?
How can you change everything by following just four specific steps?
Well, let me start by asking you a question:
You start talking to a potential client.
They’re looking for some copywriting and you say you can help.
They don’t quite know what they want, but they know it has something to do with words.
They suggest a few things… some headlines for a website, some blogs about what they do, some social media posts.
You say you can do all that.
They ask how long it will take and what your day rate is.
You’re not sure what to say. You know it’ll take more than a day to do this stuff but then how long exactly?
And if you say so many days, they’ll multiply up the day rate and think it sounds like a lot.
So, you say you can do it in half the time you need, and you say you can do it for less than you want to charge—you want the client so you don’t want to put them off.
They agree and you set to work.
Days later you’re stressed out of your mind working on something you’re not motivated to work on because you already know you’re not getting paid enough and feel ripped off.
What’s worse is the fact that the client doesn’t really know what it is they want, or why they’ve asked you to write this specific copy.
When it comes to filing this rushed copy, you know already it’s not going to be what they want, and things go from bad to worse.
As you probably know from bitter experience, somewhere in the world a copywriter goes through this very same process almost every day.
But there is a different way.
There’s a way you can get paid a fair amount to do good work… work that will truly make a difference to the client and give you the creative reward all copywriters should experience.
And if you are willing to spare two hours this week or next week if it’s easier, and you’re willing to follow four very specific steps in the very specific order we set them out…
You could double the amount of money you make from your copywriting…
…without really doing anything.
Like I said, my name is Glenn Fisher.
I’ve been writing copy for roughly 20 years now.
My sense of time is terrible and I’m in massive denial about how old I’m getting, so I prefer to keep it vague.
But during that time, I’ve written copy for almost every kind of company and in every niche you can imagine.
I’ve written copy for clients in the financial publishing industry for the Agora in the US, the UK and Australia. In fact, my copy has even been translated into French and German.
I’ve written copy for clients in the property industry, selling office space in Canary Wharf in London, buildings on Fifth Avenue in New York and million-pound science park developments for Oxford University.
I’ve written copy for clients in the health industry, in education, in data management, in mining, in marketing… you name it, I’ve written it.
Believe it or not, I’ve even written copy to sell strands of Elvis’ hair.
But I’ll say this…
I thought making six figures from writing copy was a myth and something only BS merchants spouted…
Only when I hit that level, I realised it was true, and it does happen (though the tax returns are a nightmare).
I should have known you CAN have an incredibly successful career as a copywriter.
I mean, in the last few years I’ve written copy for several multi-millionaires…
I’ve ghost-written for one of the most famous politicians in the world…
And these days publicly listed companies turn to me for advice on how to better engage with their customers.
I single-handedly launched the most popular podcast dedicated to copywriting on Apple iTunes and interviewed legends like Steve Harrison, Rory Sutherland, Cindy Gallop, Trevor Robinson, Vikki Ross, and Nils Leonard.
I once got Drayton Bird so drunk at a private party in Florida that I had to negotiate with the owner of a Palm Beach mansion to let Drayton stay over and sleep it off.
And I’ve had clients buy me fancy dinners all over the world (I once had a private dinner at the Louvre in Paris and the champagne bill after was enough to make your eyes water).
Before you say I had a head start, special connections, or that I was lucky…
This is all from a standing start in a nowhere town in the UK called Grimsby.
That’s right…
At the age of 25 I lived in the arse-end of nowhere and didn’t know anything about copywriting.
Nick’s the same…
He grew up in a tiny village outside Manchester in the UK.
He lived hand-to-mouth as a student before struggling to pay the rent for him and his partner.
For years he had to commute more than four hours in and out of London, falling asleep on the train, just to be in with a chance of landing his first proper copywriting gig.
He had no special training and he had to grind away in crappy agencies like everyone else… before he got a break.
But now, Nick is one of the most successful direct response copywriters in the world, with hit promos going out in the US and Australia for the biggest and most successful companies in the industry, like Marketwise and Fat Tail Research.
He’s launched numerous businesses. He takes months off at a time. And he gets to travel the world thanks to his copywriting.
Indeed, it’s thanks to our understanding of how to negotiate and get paid that we live lives we never dreamed we’d live (and our families still don’t really understand what the hell happened).
Bottom line is:
And if you’re willing to follow our advice to the letter, we’ll show you how you can do the same.
But like I’ve stressed here…
You have to be serious, and you have to put the work in.
It’s not hard and it won’t take long… but you can’t cheat or take shortcuts. It simply won’t work if you do.
To give you a rough idea of what’s involved, the process looks like this:
In this first section, Nick and I throw out the rulebook when it comes to setting a day rate and reveal how to really get paid more as a copywriter.
Tutorial #1: Why you should stop charging a day rate altogether
Download #1: Client research checklist
Task #1: Rate your current clients
Understanding your client is the key to being able to charge more for your work. Here Nick and I reveal how to find out exactly what you need to know and why.
Tutorial #2: The simple questions you need to ask every client
Download #2: Questions to ask a new client
Task #2: Practice your interview technique
In this section, it’s time to talk numbers. Specifically which numbers you need to be able to calculate a fair rate for your work, and exactly how to do so. Dust off the calculator!
Tutorial #3: How to calculate your value
Task #3: Calculate your new rates
Once you’ve got all the information you need about a client and you’ve decided what you’re going to charge, the next step is presenting your case. Here’s how to negotiate effectively.
Tutorial #4: The four “Rs” of good negotiation
Task #4: Plan your talking points and anticipate questions
In this final part, Nick and I bring all the sessions together and offer some more advice on how to make sure you continue to get the best rates you can—and one big piece of advice that could change everything.
Tutorial #5: Understanding the power of “no”
Follow each step and work your way calmly through each tutorial and I’m pretty sure you’ll be charging two or three times more than you are right now before the end of the month.
Like Duncan here:
“I’ve essentially increased my income by a third, as a direct consequence of Nick and Glenn’s help. And all within the first two months of working with them. I wouldn’t have got there without their advice and guidance.”
And more than just helping you to make more money…
Going through this will give you greater confidence too, like it did for Erica here who’s already completed the steps:
“Most impactful course I’ve ever done in my freelance career. It guides you on how to charge worthy rates through confident negotiation, based on the value of your experience and specific deliverables. You learn to develop client partnerships instead of being a freelancer-for-hire. As a side dish you’re reminded that, if you’re prepared to be more brave and more discerning, you can choose to work with only respectful, well-paying clients.”
But there is one thing to point out…
This is VERY different to the kind of advice you’ll see peddled around elsewhere.
That’s kind of the whole point.
TBH… as the kids say… Nick and I are shocked by how much BAD copywriting advice there is out there.
And even worse, we’ve found that…
Some copywriters are content to be average.
Some even below average.
They see the claims about the amounts you can make from copywriting, but would rather not put the work in to get them.
Instead, they pretend it’s all a scam… or that you only make money selling BS products or training… or they say what they do isn’t the same as what other copywriters do, and you can’t charge in the same way.
It’s all rubbish.
Copywriting is about persuading people to take action…
And if that action involves buying a product and generating income, as a copywriter, you deserve a fair cut.
That’s all we’re suggesting here…
We’re going to show you a smarter way to get a fair cut of the money you deserve as a copywriter.
There are no tricks. No cringey sales talk. Nothing that a CEO or marketing manager wouldn’t expect you to say to them.
But still… most copywriters won’t take our advice and won’t do anything about their situation.
The vast majority will ignore this invitation and say we’re just trying to make some money ourselves.
It’s true to some extent—we think people should pay a little for our advice and time…
But really, we want copywriters—the ones who are willing to listen—to be more successful.
If you’re more successful thanks to our help, the whole industry rises… and businesses start to see the true value of copywriting.
And look…
I’m guessing you do want to make a change, and you want to get paid more—that’s why you’re still reading this.
So, let’s cut to the crunch…
How much will it cost you to get access to our programme?
The average day rate for a copywriter is around $500.
We believe we can help you double that for every day you work from here on in.
But let’s just say you work two days a week on average, which would work out around $52,000 a year (about £36,400 if you’re in the UK).
Let’s say what we show you means you double that and make an EXTRA $52,000 over the next 12 months.
Would you be happy to pay us 10% of that $52,000?
It would work out about $5,000.
It’d be worth it, but $5,000 seems a lot up front, right?
So, what about this…
If you could potentially double your income over the next 12 months, would you be willing to pay us $1,000 to help you do that…?
Double your entire copywriting income over the next 12 months by paying $1,000 today?
It sounds a lot better. And it makes LOGICAL sense.
In theory, you pay $1,000 to make an extra $52,000.
But screw logic…
We’re not going to charge you anywhere near that.
You can get full and unlimited access today for just $245.
Just $245.
(If you’re in the UK, it works out at roughly £197+VAT)
One time only. No strings. No hoops to jump through or anything like that.
Instead, you could potentially pay for this in a single day by doubling the money you make from copywriting thanks to the approach we’ll share with you today.
And it’s worth pointing out we’ve still not touched on securing bonuses and royalties and all the other ways you can increase the amount of money you make from copywriting.
We’ll go into that in depth when you join us today and offer you advice on how to put such deals in place.
But still, that’s all you’ll pay today—$245.
Does that sound fair?
We think it does… but then, what would your other half say if you spent that money on this?
Well, if it were my partner asking, the first thing they’d say wonder is:
Simple answer is no.
Here’s what’s really going on here, when we strip everything away…
As people who’ve negotiated with clients to make thousands of pounds a month, we’ve sat down and prepared and recorded more than two hours of personal guidance and tasks that show you how to copy us.
We’ve shared exactly what we would do in your situation. And we’ve shared exactly what we did to increase what we charge for our services.
Even so, we’ve road-tested this with fellow copywriters to make sure it all makes sense and to iron out any questions people might be coming to this for the first time.
The feedback was great.
For example, a different Nick, Nick Marley, wrote a note to say:
“Glenn and Nick’s course has not only equipped me with the tools to get the deserved price for my services, it’s given me the confidence I was in search of for how I used them at the negotiating table. This was a godsend to me not once, but twice in negotiating a salary for myself at a reputable marketing agency, and for a freelancing service which I’m happy to say has put me on retainer. So, if you’re seeking the confidence and knowledge to make the money you know you deserve, taking this course is a no brainer.“
It’s also worth remembering that a huge part of our career is based around teaching and supporting copywriters like you — so it doesn’t make any sense for us to rip you off.
The truth is we’d like you to spend MORE money with us in the future. We run events and bootcamps that cost way more than what I’m charging for this. Like I said, Nick and I just sold out one in France that cost $10,000 a ticket.
And so, when you invest in us today, we want you to think what you receive is good.
We want you to think $245 is good value.
Frankly, we want you to recommend it to other copywriters (just not before you’ve doubled your own income first).
Of course, it’s a good idea to look at what other people say about us too.
So let’s do that…
– John Forde, Copywriter’s Roundtable
– Kelly Brown, Copy Chief, Stansberry
– Jim Rickards, Former Pentagon Advisor
– Doug Hill, Publisher, Paradigm Press
– Richard Bull, former Head of Copy at Laithwaite’s Wine
And Giles Edwards, the creative director at marketing agency Gasp! says I’m:
He can’t say the same about Nick.
Few people can.
But still, despite that, here’s something I think you’ll like…
I don’t want to rush you into a decision… whenever I buy something online, it takes me weeks to think about it before I’ll pull the trigger.
But at the same time, I know this will make a difference to your copywriting career.
Nick and I are both ultra-confident that if you follow our advice to the letter, you’ll be able to start charging more for your copywriting services.
And the sooner you start following our advice, the sooner that could happen for you.
So, to make it easier to make a quick decision today and get started…
For the first month of us launching this, for Fix readers only, we’ve agreed to knock another $50 off the price.
It means you’ll only pay a one-off fee of $195 for full and unlimited access to all we’re offering today. (If you’re in the UK, that works out at £163 + VAT.)
When this goes to a wider audience, it’ll do so at the full price—so this is exclusive to you as a follower of The Fix.
Don’t miss out…
Plus, as well as access to our double your income course, you’ll receive:
As well as the course we’ve put together to walk you through every step you need to take to negotiate higher rates and get paid more as a copywriter, we’ve also put together a special masterclass on setting rates, which offers even more tips on how to increase your bottom line. Watch this as soon as you’re able.
This guide looks at a different side of the work/money equation by focusing on how you can cut down the amount of time you spend making changes to your copy that the client thinks is right. Inside we offer smart and practical advice on how to minimise the amount of editing and feedback changes you get from clients so that you can spend more time on the work you want to be doing and not making minor changes to your copy.
This is an exclusive talk from copywriting legend Mark Ford on what you need to do as a copywriter to move with the times and keep ahead of the competition. Mark has launched and managed countless million-dollar businesses and has employed, trained and mentored thousands of copywriters in his career. When he talks, copywriters should listen. And today you’ll get access to a very special talk he gave for us on the future of the copywriting industry.
Taken together, it looks like this:
And you can get access right now for just $195 (or £163+VAT)
The power and the decision is in your hands here…
So, are you ready to start making more money as a copywriter?
It’s a simple question but it’s really all we need to ask right now…
We don’t need to overcomplicate things.
So, I’ll ask again: are you ready to start making more money as a copywriter?
If you are…
If you feel like you’re nodding and thinking, yeah, this sounds good…
Hit that button, get access and we can start.
As soon as you act today, Nick and I will be in touch and we’ll show you exactly what you need to do and in what order so you can negotiate fees that reward you fairly and properly for the work you’re doing.
Bottom line is…
We’re going to help finally help you to start making the kind of money you feel you should be making from copywriting.
And we’re going to help you get the most out of your copywriting career…
Starting today.
So, let’s do it.
Best wishes,
Glenn Fisher
Founder, The Fix
P.S. If you’re still wondering if Nick and I are genuine, here’s some more feedback from copywriters all around the world, sharing their experiences of the support they’ve received from me and Nick…
“I’d been spinning my wheels as a freelance financial copywriter for a couple of years, with moderate success. I had so many questions but was limited to questionable Reddit threads or decades old books. Whatever your level, I’ll tell you now: The Fix is what you need. You need to be writing copy and getting it reviewed. You need to have questions answered quickly, so your days aren’t derailed. You need a community so you don’t go insane. There’s just no other way to get better this quickly. It’s so rare to find people with this amount of expertise who are so generous with their knowledge. On top of that, Nick and Glenn are just nice people. Ordinary lads who’ve had extraordinary success and want to share it. Copywriting is a tough enough job without making it more difficult. This will get your career on track so you can get better, fast.”
“Nick’s cool. Glenn’s weird. The community? Amazing. But seriously, having Nick, Glenn, and a wonderful bunch of copywriters on the other end of the keyboard is a real lifeline. Being able to ask (and see other folks’) questions about copy, funnels, and clients – and then get solid feedback – regularly helps me out. The Accelerator videos are also super helpful, and I often revisit them for a quick refresh. In short, The Fix Accelerator is like the antidote to my imposter syndrome. And, with just the right amount of weirdness, it gives me the confidence I otherwise wouldn’t have to hit “send” on client work and feel proud of it. Thanks guys, you’re both legends.”
“You know when you subscribe to yet another group or app and you berate yourself when the bank pings you to tell you another payment’s gone out? (All those “It’s only a nice bottle of wine, why not?” payments soon add up…) I don’t get that when I see the payment for The Fix go out. Actually, sometimes the Catholic guilt creeps in as I think they’re undercharging. You may not feel the same if you’re looking for quick hacks. The community is full of copywriters who know it’s not that easy – even if we’re all in different niches and at different levels. The masterclasses go into detail and higher-level stuff you don’t find elsewhere. I often can’t make the live calls because of my childcare days but, when I have, they’ve been so helpful. (Yeah, it made me feel a little sick inside showing my draft copy and realising how much improvement it needed but the client LOVED IT.) But the community on its own is worth it. You can bounce ideas off people who really know their stuff on the copy side and business side of pricing strategies. Thanks Nick and Glenn!”
“Can I give an official and very heartfelt THANK YOU to the Fix & this group for the support. I’m still bad at pricing but I’m now confidently pitching fees much higher than I would be if I wasn’t in the Fix. Partly confidence, partly seeing what others do, partly direct advice.”
“For years, I’ve been looking for a „copy mate“ with whom I can discuss copy. And now I have two of them. Plus, they are two of the best! And even though they both speak English (while I write in German) and I’ve only been watching as they improve other copy, my writing is already much better again. It’s hard to believe how good it will be when I get direct feedback from Nick & Glenn.”
“Working with Nick and Glenn has been great. In my opinion, there’s no quicker way to improve your copywriting than getting feedback on your work. I’ve tried a bunch of different copy ‘review’ and coaching programs and most rush through the critiques and push you to watch a video. The Fix Academy is different. Nick and Glenn take the time to review your copy line by line. They break it down and really work with you to improve. I feel like I get better with every round of reviews. As a freelancer, having this level of feedback gives me the confidence to defend my copy when presenting to clients. And it means I can constantly pitch new projects with conviction.”
“Nick and Glenn, between them, have an extremely deep knowledge of all things copywriting, and if you’re looking to quickly improve your writing, I don’t know of a better way than to join The Fix Academy. If you’re trying to break into financial copywriting, working with Nick and Glenn will give you the full experience of working with a copy chief to take your copy from the initial research and idea stage to the point where it could be sent to a publisher… but only if you put in the work.”
“Joining The Fix Academy has made me a better copywriter. Every piece of copy I get reviewed is improved. I understand the industry more thanks to Nick and Glenn’s advice. And my confidence as a writer is growing. I wouldn’t have got so far, so quickly without them.”
“Glenn and Nick don’t only teach you how to write copy – they teach you how to think about copy. Sentence by sentence, line by line. They make sure each word in your copy has a purpose. Nothing goes to waste. What’s more, they answered everything I wanted to know about pitching prospects, sticking out with your cold outreach, finding who to target… This puts you ahead of 99% of freelancers who rely on “spray and pray” acquisition methods. These guys have been in direct response trenches for decades. Having even a decent copywriter give you feedback accelerates your progress… imagine what it’s like with two Agora powerhouses.“
“Since being mentored by both Glenn and Nick – I’ve landed two big financial copy gigs and essentially increased my income by a third, as a direct consequence of their help. And all within the first two months of working with them. Specifically, they’ve helped me with who to approach for work, how to better price myself, and the writing process itself. Especially helpful are Nick’s models and frameworks for understanding – and writing – copy that converts and Glenn’s ability to go through copy and improve it line by line. I’m not new to this – I’ve been writing copy for 10+ years, but I’ve learned A LOT from them.”
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