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Industry Insight #10: Dave Harland on building an authentic identity and writing funny

It had to happen…

Despite having TWO cameras set up and managing to film James Cross on my iPhone and Andrew Nattan on the SLR, when Dave Harland stepped in…the damn video didn’t work.

But do not fear.

We got the audio of our hour-long chat and it’s a right corker, as you would expect when it comes to Mr Harland.

If you’ve not come across Dave before, he’s become a bit of a LinkedIn legend with his comedy take on all things copy.

He’s also a really top chap and in our interview, you’ll hear how he got into copywriting, why funny became his thing, and we take a look at some copy we got sent in from a fellow fixer.

Video issues have now been resolved, and the next Industry Insight episodes will are actually our most pro yet. But hey, it’s all a learning process. And as Dave points out, it’s better to be authentic and messy than slick and stupid. (Technically he doesn’t say that, but it’s the vibe. I’m gonna coin the phrase instead.)

We hope you enjoy listening to our chat – and don’t forget to check out Dave’s own newsletter – The Word Man – here:

We’ll be back with more copy goodness soon.

In the meantime, enjoy!


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