The Fix #122: Pitch your way through imposter syndrome
The Fix #121: How to write a cold email pitch
Academy Call Replay: Bringing clarity to big ideas and ways to make your copy more readable
The Fix #120: Return to Courtomer: Memories of a copywriting institution
The Fix #119: Top tips on getting paid: the pains and pitfalls of being a hired hand
Academy Call Replay: How to successfully pitch a publisher in the financial copywriting industry
The Fix #118: The worse thing about the product you’re selling might make for the best hook
The Fix #117: Nick and Glenn pull no punches “roasting” a major billboard ad running right now
Masterclass #24: Productivity hacks to help you get more done
The Fix #116: Nick Usborne on turning AI into a super-human copywriting assistant that makes your life easier
The Fix #115: A man covered in ham reveals the key to keeping your audience engaged
Socrates stank
Masterclass #23: Everything you’re being told about copy is wrong: the power of a persuasive hook
The Fix #114: Your personal brand sucks and is losing you money—here’s how to fix it
The Fix #112: Gerald Woodgate shares the inside scoop on what it’s like to write with Drayton Bird
The Fix #113: Whatever you want to write, write the opposite
The Fix #110: Natalia Talkowska reveals how she’s using AI to help people unlock their creativity
The Fix #111: Identifying the hero and villain in any piece of copy (and what not to do with AI)
The Fix #109: The best time to give clients work for free (clue: it’s not at the start of negotiations)
Academy Call Replay: How to structure a sales letter and identify the deeper truth behind your idea
Masterclass #22: How to create a simple Tone of Voice guide for a client and how to use one as a copywriter
The Fix #107: The problem with election campaign copy and why most of it is destined for the bin
The Fix #108: The secret to shifting your copywriting mindset post-sale
The Fix #105: The power of positioning and how it can help you make more money
The Fix #106: Five things you can do to AI-proof your copywriting career
The Fix #104: Heather Murray on why you shouldn’t be overwhelmed by AI and where to start if you are
The Fix #103: Five quite good reasons to come to Fix Fest 2
The Fix #101: Lucy Sanderson on taking your chances and doing the things that scare you
The Fix #102: Natalie Moores explains why you should use AI as a tool and not let it make a tool of you
Getting Started: How to get the most out of your membership
The Fix #100: John Forde shares the one piece of early advice he still uses more than 30 years later
The Fix #98: Aaron Gentzler on how to improve your email copy game and get noticed by publishers
The Fix #99: Five questions to ask yourself if you want to sell anything, fast
The Fix #96: Why the best stories always start with the smallest details
Masterclass #21: Ten engaging ways to write openings for email newsletters and editorial content
The Fix #97: Paul Allan reveals the secrets of conversion rate optimisation he’s uncovered at ConversionWise
The Fix #93: Ten books (that have nothing to do with copywriting) every copywriter should read — Part 2
The Fix #94: Why you should write copy as if what you’re selling is ten times more expensive than it is
The Fix #95: What you really need to know about AI and how Fix Fest will help you understand it
Fix Fest 2: Trust tickets now available for Accelerator members
The Fix #92: Ten books (that have nothing to do with copywriting) every copywriter should read — Part 1
The Fix #91: A better way to think about whether you should niche as a copywriter
Masterclass #20: A straight forward guide to getting paid more as a copywriter
The Fix #89: Alex Myatt reveals his simple approach to finding new copywriting clients
The Fix #90: The surest tell of BS copywriting advice is someone guaranteeing to make you money
The Fix #88: The number one mistake copywriters make when it comes to writing email copy
Academy Call Replay #1: The five qualities an idea needs before you write about it
Academy Call Replay #2: A framework for figuring out if your idea will work as a promotion
The Fix #87: Three things you should carry on doing in 2024 if you want to FAIL as a copywriter
The Fix #86: The two most important lessons about copywriting you can learn from Agora
Masterclass #19: How to avoid countless revisions and keep clients happy
The Fix #81: Why it pays to pitch and write copy for companies that inspire you with Abi Malins
The Fix #82: What makes a great financial copywriter with Bill Bonner
The Fix #83: The best way to connect with your customer in an authentic way with Simon Munton
The Fix #84: Why all good copywriters should always be adding to their swipe file with Nick Laight
The Fix #80: The best way to pitch publishers and agencies to get copywriting gigs
The Fix #79: Five guaranteed ways to FAIL as a financial copywriter
The Fix #85: How memorising poetry will help you become a master copywriter with Mark Ford
Fix-up #1: Matt Hall talks to Nicola Joyce about finding your niche
The Fix #78: Is there a good time and a bad time to sell things and what does it mean for your copy career?
Fix-up #2: Nicola Joyce talks to Lewis Folkard about freelance life
The Fix #77: How copywriters can be more strategic when approaching new clients
The Fix #75: Why financial copywriting pays more (and other lessons it can teach all copywriters)
The Fix #76: Applying the 4-U Formula to the British Airways ads and other examples of working copy
Masterclass #18: How to get ahead as a financial copywriter
Masterclass #17: Part 5: The Four Ps: How to push your reader into action
The Fix #74: Bad clients: Six ways to take back control and develop more rewarding work relationships
The Fix #72: How to breakdown complicated ideas and anticipate questions about your copy
Masterclass #17: Part 4: The Four Ps: The many ways you can offer proof to your reader
The Fix #73: Ideas for writing crowdfunding pages and raising money for charities and personal causes
Masterclass #17: Part 3: The Four Ps: The different types of promise and how to identify them
The Fix #70: Takeaways from organising a copywriting festival and voting on the MCGA competition
Masterclass #17: Part 2: The Four Ps: The power of painting a picture in the mind of your prospect
The Fix #71: The problem with vision statements and how to clarify your creative thinking
Industry Insight #24: Oxford Club CMO Chris Witmer on how to market a breakthrough promotion
The Fix #69: The real way to learn how to be creative in the advertising industry with Marc Lewis
Masterclass #17: Part 1: The Four Ps: An introduction to a fundamental framework that can help improve any piece of copy
The Fix #68: Make Copy Great Again: How to get your copy seen by the best in the business
The Fix #65: Mistakes most writers make when it comes to email lift copy with Copy Chief Joshua Lee Henry
The Fix #66: The truth about “emotionless” numbers and why you need to avoid them in copy
The Fix #67: Find you copy confidence and ignite your creative passion with Dan Nelken
Industry Insight #23: Jo Watson on complaining your way into a copywriting career and writing with personality
Career Makers #2: Paolo Cabrelli, Publisher at Southbank Investment Research
Career Makers #3: Brian York, Chief Marketing Officer at The Agora
Masterclass #15: The Power of a PS: What To Do When You Think You’ve Said Everything
Masterclass #16: Five things you can do to help you get more clients and make more money as a copywriter
Accelerator Socials: Manchester, July 5th
Industry Insight #21: Martin Sayers on email copy, finding clients and embracing direct response
Masterclass #14: Four Proven Copywriting Strategies For When Your Income Hits $100k
Industry Insight #22: Kerry Thorpe on how copywriting and marketing works at Ben & Jerry’s
Masterclass #13: The Seven Step Approach To Successful Research
Copy Review: A landing page from Ben Figg
Career Makers #001: Rory Fryer Creative Director and Co-Founder at Malaberg
Masterclass #10: Part 2: Writing for video: The secret to structuring a video promotion to have the greatest impact
Masterclass #12: A simple process for writing memorable straplines
Industry Insight #20: Grant Perry on writing advert copy for Google, Facebook and Instagram
FIX FEST: Presale discount for Fix Accelerator members
Industry Insight #19: Kelly Brown on writing financial copy and working for Stansberry
Copy Reviews: A financial sales letter from Alex Boulter
Masteclass #11: Email Copy 101: A brief overview of how to write compelling email marketing copy
Industry Insight #18: Eddie Shleyner on writing great landing pages and developing your own style
Masterclass #10: Part 1: Writing for video: Mastering the subtle differences between writing for the page and the camera
Industry Insight #17: Penny Brazier on escaping the content mills and finding your confidence
Industry Insight #15: Helen Dibble on outsourcing and the business of copywriting
Masterclass #9: How to write an ‘About me’ blurb that will make clients want to work with you
Industry Insight #16: Larner Caleb on navigating your way through an ever-changing industry
Masterclass #8: Part 6: How the Four Us can help you become a stronger, more persuasive copywriter
Industry Insight #13: Andrew Boulton on teaching creativity and seeking feedback
Industry Insight #14: Gyles Lingwood on the importance of communicating with clarity
Dispatches from a hotel room in Leeds
Masterclass #8: Part 5: How the Four Us can help you become a stronger, more persuasive copywriter
Masterclass #8: Part 3: How the Four Us can help you become a stronger, more persuasive copywriter
Industry Insight #12: Sophie Cross on defining yourself and launching your own magazine
Masterclass #8: Part 4: How the Four Us can help you become a stronger, more persuasive copywriter
Masterclass #8: Part 1: How the Four Us can help you become a stronger, more persuasive copywriter
Masterclass #8: Part 2: How the Four Us can help you become a stronger, more persuasive copywriter
Copy Reviews: A LinkedIn post and a financial sales letter
Industry Insight #11: Giles Edwards on marketing and standing out as a copywriter
Industry Insight #10: Dave Harland on building an authentic identity and writing funny
Ask the experts: Andrew Boulton and Gyles Lingwood
Copy goodness coming this December
Ask the experts: Sophie Cross and Giles Edwards
Join us on Discord
Details for tomorrow’s live session with Glenn and Nick
Industry Insight #8: James Cross on how to get noticed by creative directors
Industry Insight #9: Andrew Nattan on pooling your talent with other copywriters
No secrets
News about November Socials
Masterclass #7: Copywriters must DIE: How to improve any piece of copy
Manchester debrief and other news
Masterclass #6: Why stories sell and the four key types you can use in your copy
Industry Insight #6: Kim Krause Schwalm on how to hone your craft as a copywriter
Ask the experts: Kim Krause Schwalm
Ask the experts: Tim Jones, James Cross and Dave Harland
Copy Reviews: A sales letter in the self-development niche
Industry Insight #3: John Forde on email copy, sales letters and writing for Agora
Industry Insight #5: Annabelle Ford on hiring copywriters and writing in a foreign language
Masterclass #4: The power of surprise: How to say something new
Industry Insight #4: Vikki Ross on why branding matters and how to do it
A debrief from Paris
Industry Insight #7: Sarah Townsend on how to improve your editing process
Masterclass #5: Get more done in less time: Time management tips
What’s coming up this month and beyond
Copy Reviews: Adapting an existing sales letter
Ask the experts: Sarah Townsend and Vikki Ross
Copy Reviews: A financial sales letter from Ayoub
Copy Reviews: A sales letter for the health niche
Industry Insight #2: Jess MacIntyre and Natalie Moores on starting your own agency
Masterclass #3: Rates and Royalties: How to charge for your time
A quick update on all things Accelerator
Industry Insight #1: Steve Price on overcoming the challenges of creativity
Ask the experts: Jess MacIntyre, Natalie Moores & Steve Price
Join the conversation on Discord
Masterclass #1: How to get every reader tapping away to your copy
Ask the experts: John Forde
Masterclass #2: Do these three things to find your Big Idea
Welcome to The Fix Accelerator!
The new client dance
Copywriting scam alert
Disruption shouldn’t stop at your headline
You’re marketing to the wrong people
James Joyce’s bad advice
Hitler was a failed copywriter
Even Superman gets anxious
A lesson in scarcity with Simeon Stylites
Old masters
That time Karl Marx stole my baby
Your copy is boring
Your mission: to liberate ideas
Let’s get physical
How NOT to review copy
The fear