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Industry Insight #7: Sarah Townsend on how to improve your editing process

While Nick and I are in Manchester, and I know not all members will be able to make it (obviously), I thought I would drop a little treat today for ALL members.


In light of her new book having just been published, I jumped on Zoom with the lovely Gloucestershire-based freelance copywriter, Sarah Townsend.

As well as being the author of the incredibly popular Survival Skills for Freelancers, her latest book is all about words and phrases that we often screw up and get confused about. So, we used that as a platform to talk about editing in general.

I hope you enjoy the chat.


I have a free copy of Sarah’s new book – The Little Book of Confusables – to send to one member of The Fix Accelerator.

So, a light-hearted competition:

In the comments below, tell me the worst spelling mistake or phrase mix-up you’ve ever sent to a client or had published in your copy.

I once mailed a long copy sales letter to ten thousand people that began “Dead Reader.”

Share yours in the comments and I’ll ask Sarah to pick a winner.

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