Masterclass #8: Part 1: How the Four Us can help you become a stronger, more persuasive copywriter
This is a big one. Nick and I talk about the Four Us a lot. Back when we were at Agora, you’d be cast out in shame if you couldn’t name the four Us at the drop of a hat. How come? Well, that’s what this masterclass SERIES is all about.
That’s right. This is too big for just one session, so we’ve split it into a six-part series that you can enjoy one session at a time. Don’t feel like you need to watch them all at once—there’s no need. It’s just that to give you the best understanding of each element, we wanted to take the time to tackle each U in turn.
In this first part of the series, we give you a little background into how the Four Us came into being and what they’re about. Then, in the next four sessions, we’ll tackle each one in turn, and then finally, we’ll do a debriefing round-up to figure out what it all means.
For now, though, this is the place to start. What we’re going to share with you over these six videos will make you a stronger and more persuasive copywriter. There’s no doubt of that in our minds. So, sit down, relax, and feed your copy brain.